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Why Choose Seriun for Phising Simulation

  1. Tailored solutions: Seriun offers tailored phishing simulation solutions that are designed to meet the specific needs of your business. This means you can be confident your employees are receiving the most relevant and effective training.
  2. Expertise: Seriun has extensive expertise in cyber security and phishing simulation. They have a team of skilled professionals who are up-to-date with the latest threats and can provide valuable insights and guidance to help you improve your cyber security posture.
  3. Realistic scenarios: Seriun uses realistic phishing scenarios that are based on real-world examples. This helps to ensure that your employees are prepared for the types of attacks that are most likely to occur.
  4. Proven track record: Seriun has a proven track record of delivering high-quality phishing simulation services to businesses of all sizes. They have helped numerous clients improve their cyber security and reduce the risk of a data breach.
  5. Ongoing support: Seriun provides ongoing support to help you stay up-to-date with the latest threats and best practices. They can provide regular training sessions and updates to ensure that your employees are always prepared.

Our Phishing Simulation Solutions

Phishing attacks are a common way for cyber criminals to gain access to sensitive information. Our Cyber as a Service solution includes a phishing simulation service that will test your employees’ awareness of phishing attacks.

We will send simulated phishing emails to your employees and provide feedback to show who is at highest risk of sharing their passwords and who requires further training. We will provide full reporting, along with follow-up training videos and assessments.

Click here to find more about how to know you’ve been phished.




How we do it…

Here are the steps involved in the process:

  1. Planning: The first step is to plan the phishing simulation campaign. This will involve determining the scope of the campaign, selecting the types of phishing emails to be used, and identifying who will be targeted.
  2. Crafting the message: The next step is to craft the phishing message. It should be convincing and realistic, mimicking a genuine email that is likely to be received. It should contain a call to action that prompts the recpient to click on a link or provide sensitive information.
  3. Sending the message: Once the phishing message is crafted, it is sent out to the target audience. The message can be sent via email, social media, or another form of communication.
  4. Monitoring responses: As the phishing message is sent out, the responses of the employees will be monitored. This helps to identify which employees have fallen for the phishing attack.
  5. Reporting: After the campaign is complete, a report is generated providing insight into the success of the campaign. The report can be used to identify areas where additional training and education are needed to improve the cybersecurity awareness of employees.
  6. Follow-up training: Based on the results of the phishing simulation, follow-up training can be provided to the employees who fell for the phishing attack. This helps to reinforce the importance of cybersecurity and reduce the risk of future attacks.

Reasons to Conduct Phishing Simulations

Here are some of the many reasons to employ phishing simulations as part of your cyber security strategy:

  1. Increased awareness: Phishing simulations provide real-world examples to help raise awareness among your teams about the various types of phishing attacks they may encounter. This will enable them to identify and report potential threats more effectively.
  2. Reduced risk: With increased awareness comes reduced risk. By educating your employees about phishing attacks, you can decrease the likelihood of successful phishing attempts, therefore minimising the risk of a data breach.
  3. Improved reporting. Phishing simulations help your employees recognise suspicious emails or messages, leading to more accurate reporting of threats to the service desk. This allows your IT team to investigate legitimate threats more effectively and take action before any harm can be done.
  4. Cost savings: Preventing a data breach can save you significant amounts of money. The costs associated with a data breach can include legal fees, damage to your company’s reputation, and lost revenue. By reducing the risk of a data breach, you can save money and protect your bottom line.
  5. Compliance requirements: Many businesses are required to comply with regulations and standards such as HIPAA or PCI-DSS. Phishing simulations can help you meet these requirements by demonstrating that your business is taking proactive steps to protect sensitive data.

Summary of the Benefits of Phishing Simulation

Simulated phishing attacks provide multiple benefits, including reducing security risks from social engineering attacks, meeting regulatory requirements for employee training and monitoring, and creating a strong security culture within your organisation.

As your employees become more aware of potential threats, they will act as a primary defence against phishing attacks, leading to a decrease in fraudulent activity. Additionally, phishing security testing and training will not only improve your workplace safety but will also extend to your employees personal lives.

Overall, phishing simulation exercises equip employees with knowledge of phishing attacks and how attackers craft convincing emails, making them an essential tool in defending against incoming attacks.